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Tuesday 29 March 2016

Aerobics Cardio Article Category

07:38:00 Unknown

Is Cardio Good, and Is HIIT Better?
The debate on cardio vs high-intensity interval training (HIIT) has sparked many discussions. This article covers some of the basics of the debate, and challenges a few commonly held notions about both cardio and training intervals.
How a Trampoline Can Help Improve Your Fitness
Trampolines aren't just a toy for the kids, they actually are a highly efficient form of cardiovascular exercise. Research shows you can burn more calories on a trampoline than jogging.
Steady State, HIIT, Or LISS Cardio? What Are They And What Do They Mean?
What is HIIT? What is LISS? What is steady state? Trying to keep up with the newest fitness trends is a challenge these days. Today I would like to clear up a few of the most common types of cardio. Ever been exhausted from walking up stairs or doing yard work? Starting some form of cardio is bound to improve your everyday life. Doing cardio has been known to help depression, anxiety, and many other health factors that many of us suffer from daily. Being an online personal trainer I custom tailor exercise programs for my clients based off their fitness goals.
A Guide To Cardio Training
Every person who wants to achieve weight loss desires a cardio program that will help him or her achieve this goal. After undertaking this program for a while, it is common for every person to wonder if the training is actually effective in reaching his or her objectives. If you think the cardio program is not as effective as you want it to be, it is time to make some modifications and take the necessary steps to achieve your weight loss goals. There is no doubt that cardiovascular exercises are one of the best methods to help burn fats from your body. However, most people do not have a clue on what is included in such type of a training program. This is the purpose of this article.
Why Crush Cardio Activity Is the Worthy One!
Looking to cut fat, lose some weight and tone your body? Is a trip to the gym nothing but a monotonous, dull hour spent in the cardio section?
Did You Know You Already Have A Six Pack?
Did you know you already have a six pack? You already have a six pack.. You just can't see it!
9 Fat-Burning Plyometric Exercises
Targeted exercises are the best way to shape that flat body that has been bothering you for so long. But they are slow and need a lot of devotion. Don't worry you can burn the required amount of calories and lose weight without having to spend hours in the gym. Plyometric exercises burn an excessive amount of calories in a shorter workout. These are extensive exercises that enhance the muscle workout and pumps your heart for faster and more sweating. Following are some amazing plyometric exercises that you can perform in routine to get the desired body.
Fasted Cardio or Fed State Cardio?
FASTED CARDIO VS FED STATE CARDIO - Which one is best? Which one is going to help YOU get SHREDDED? Well, the answer isn't quite so black & white.
Exercises and Workouts - The Best Strength Building Cardio Workouts
Strength training is another way of saying "increasing muscle strength." Strength training works by the phenomenon known as the overload principle. If you want to build up more strength in your body but aren't so keen to start an actual strength training workout session, perhaps you may be wondering what cardio exercises you can include in your activity plan that will help you build up more strength. Although cardio by nature is not ideal for building up muscular strength, when the right variation is carried out, it can help you gain more functional power in all you do. No cardio will ever compare to that of strength training, but with the right selection, you can come close. Let's go over the best strength building cardio workouts to consider.
Move for Your Heart: 5 Best Exercises for Your Cardiovascular Health
Living a sedentary lifestyle? You're not alone. Because of their jobs, a lot of people spend long hours sitting down.
Natural Techniques For Improving Cardiovascular Health
It is the heart that initiates cardiovascular performance by pumping blood. This pumped blood contains all the required oxygen, nutrients, hormones and WBCs that are to be conveyed to the destined organs. On the other hand, blood vessels serve as channels through which blood flows.
30 Minutes Of Physical Activity 6 Days A Week Is Linked To A 40% Lower Risk Of Death
Increasing the physical activity levels in the elderly appears to be as good for health as quitting smoking, the Oslo II study demonstrated. Analysis of the study participant data showed that under an hour each week of light physical activity was not associated with any meaningful reduction in risk of death from any cause. Getting than an hour of physical activity regardless of intensity was linked to a 32% to 56% lower risk of cardiovascular death or death from any other causes.
Obtain Optimal Health With Cardiovascular Exercises
Cardiovascular is related to the circulatory system wherein it contains the heart and blood vessels. It is where the oxygen is being transmitted to the body tissues and then takes away the carbon dioxide and other wastes.
Benefits of Joining the Zumba Craze
Zumba, the Latin-inspired fitness dance craze, is attracting a wide variety of enthusiasts. Explore some of the engaging benefits that make these moves fun and effective.
5 Great Cardio Exercises That Don't Need The Gym
If the cost of a gym membership is too expensive and stopping you from getting fit and into shape there are effective cardio exercises that you can don't need the gym. Cardiovascular exercise is regarded one of the most important components in any fitness program because it helps to improve energy, enhance muscle tone and aid better sleep. 1...
Why Take A CoQ10 Supplement?
Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10, is a nutrient that occurs naturally in the body. It is an anti-oxidant and is anti-inflammatory. CoQ10 is found in every cell in your body and is needed in order for the cell to function properly. It also helps convert the food we eat and the air we breathe into energy.
HIIT Vs Steady State - Which Type of Cardio Is Better?
This is a very popular topic in fitness when it comes to cardiovascular workouts. Most people ask me which form of cardio will yield the best results. Before I jump to my recommendation, I would like to outline the pros and cons of each style.
Cardio - Five Ways To Lose Fat Quickly and Efficiently
In your journey toward fitness goals, there can be many obstacles. The biggest one is losing the fat before you gain muscle. Here are tips to losing the fat quickly and effectively.
Halloween Themed Workouts To Stay Fit
Halloween is a popular fun time of the year with some great seasonal activities like pumpkin picking, hay rides and trick-or-treating. It is also the time when many tempting treats increasingly become the main attraction. Both are good reasons that call for an increase in exercises. Here are some Halloween-themed workouts that are a combination of exercise pairs without any rest in between.
Aerobic Exercise: The True Fountain of Youth
A great deal of scientific research has been conducted about the benefits of exercise for our bodies and our brains. Aerobic exercise, in particular, possesses anti-aging benefits for our cardiovascular functions, defending our bodies from age-related diseases. This form of exercise can also reawaken our brain cells and neural connections, leading to enhanced memory and other cognitive functions. Regular aerobic fitness is one of the keys to leading not only a longer life, but a better one.

Health and Fitness Article Category

07:33:00 Unknown
Non-emergency medical transportation is the backbone to ensuring health care gets to those who need it. Recent changes in Medicare laws make it a mandatory requirement for those in low-income areas.
Do You Have Cysts, Growths or Tumours?
A cyst is a pouch or sac with a membrane around it and no real opening. It is usually filled with fluid or some kind of matter and can develop in an organ or in any body cavity. It can also be filled with hardened material. Some health professionals believe that some cysts can be caused by free radical calcium or an imbalance of minerals in the body.
New Innovations for Varicose Veins Treatment
Vascular issues plague many people. Outdated varicose veins treatments are often difficult and uncomfortable for patients, but newer options are more effective and less invasive.
The Health of the Immune and Lymphatic System
While we often talk about the immune system, it can be hard to visualise exactly what it is and how it works in practice. The immune system is one of the most incredible and complex systems in the body, able to spring into action in defence against harmful 'invaders' (like bacteria and viruses) within minutes by releasing antibodies. As one of our most important health assets, it therefore makes sense to do all we can to support and even boost our immunity
4 Reasons That May Be Causing Your Gut Bloating
There are some fundamental reasons why so many people suffer with the uncomfortable condition of bloating. Here I outline four of the top contenders. 1. A diet high in carbohydrates and sugars that is feeding pathogenic organisms in your gut. Unbeneficial bacteria and yeast in your gut, who love to feed of carbohydrates and sugars, may well be causing you to feel bloated.
How to Stay in Shape While Working Crazy Hours in Real Estate
It's been said that once you hit the magical number of 30, your metabolism rate will start to go downhill. But for others who have a desk job like I do, noticing a decrease in their bathroom visits as early as 21 isn't really unusual. The catch is: it is neither your age nor your body to blame for this misfortune.
Inflammation - What Does It Mean and Why Is Everyone Talking About It?
Inflammation is a word that is thrown around a lot these days. It continues to be understood as a major factor in health versus illness.
How The Healthcare Sector Is Benefitted Through Survey Plugins
Sustainable and high-quality healthcare depends on IT-oriented services and a digital platform, but healthcare organizations are still confused on where to focus investment, what technologies provide the important benefits for patients and employees, and the return on investment. The answer to this, is a complete online surveying tool with a CRM backend which helps them understand the likes, needs and preferences of particular offerings and thereafter to evaluate or measure the satisfaction ratio and move further to the next phase.
A New Feel With The Obagi Blue Peel Radiance
A brand new offering in the well-known Obagi range of medical products, the Blue Peel Radiance has a special blend of acids that give your skin a very effective chemical peel that is gentle and salicylic acid-based. Salicylic acid-based peels are often used for patients who have suffered from different kinds of skin concerns like acne scarring, photo damage or melisma. This product exfoliates the damaged skin cells and give you a smoother and brighter texture. Even after a single treatment, you will find that your skin looks brighter and feels younger. The Blue Peel Radiance is effective on all kinds of skin types and will even benefit patients who have a 4 to 6 skin type with pigmentation.
Bad Mood, Bad Mood, Whatcha Gonna Do?
Knowing what is causing a bad mood can make it easier and faster to get out of it. Knowing the reason is of course only the beginning, and the next step can be easier or more challenging depending on the cause. But if you find yourself in a bad mood, it may be worth reflecting if guilt, hunger, exhaustion, or low self-esteem may be the reason, and knowing there can be some simple ways to deal with these.
Should You Treat Bronchitis At Home Or Should You Go To A Doctor?
Bronchitis is an infection that affects the main airways present in the lungs. This makes the airways inflamed and irritated. The infection usually starts with a cough which brings up a lot of yellow colored mucus and it could be coupled with a sore throat or wheezing.
Overview of Endoscopic Spine Surgery
Endoscopic spine surgery is a minimally invasive surgery that is done to your spine when you have pain that cannot be relieved using other types of treatments. A doctor will recommend this type of operation so that a patient can be rid of chronic pain that otherwise will not stop after medication, therapy, and other executed actions.
Here's Why You Should Look at Health and Fitness As a Lifestyle Change
Wondering why fitness is really a lifestyle change? Well let's take a look at a recent exercise study that was conducted. The study concluded that exercise can assist people who would traditionally fail at quitting their smoking habit, find a way to eventually quit smoking. Yes, that is correct, exercise can be used as a vehicle to help an individual stop smoking. And here is the reason behind it.
A Brief Discussion of Common Incontinence Aids
Urinary catheters are small, flexible tubes used for collecting urine from the body. The condom catheter is used for the same purpose, but unlike all other catheter types, they are not inserted into the user's urethra. Doctors usually recommend these external units to individuals who need to use a catheter only for a short span of time.
Is Turmeric Curcumin A Healthy Alternative?
Majority of the way a person live these days are quicker, while fast foods are perfect diets since it's a grab and go for individuals with very busy schedules. As a result of convenient diet, the overall health is compromise and the average lifespan becomes shorter. This is exactly why health advocates are now encouraging people to find healthy alternatives and turmeric curcumin is one of those.
Is Paranoia Total Awareness When It Comes to Health?
I have yet to meet many adults who weren't interested in staying healthy, but each of us being unique find are own paths. Perhaps it begins with our parents telling us to do certain things like eat a good breakfast, or bouts of illness we experiences during our lifetimes. I believe that keeping healthy is amazing when it comes to quality of life, not always in terms of longevity. As far as I know there are two things we can't choose, when we are born, and when we die. I also think many unhealthy choices are out of our control, the air we breathe, the chemicals in the food we ingest, our genes, and the viruses we acquire unknowingly from others. It would seem that what is considered good for us today, might be frowned upon in the future. Therefore becoming paranoid about a person's health could be an exercise in futility. Here is what I mean in these terms.
Today Is a Rest Day!
Listen to your body! The old saying about no pain no gain is outdated and an invitation for injury which would sideline your fitness program. So enjoy your day of rest. Follow these suggestions and you're be ready to hit the gym refreshed and invigorated tomorrow.
Why It's Crucial To Know Family Health History
The moment one walks into a family practice to set up their health care, they are handed a stack of papers to fill out. Among them is the family history worksheet. Anyone that hasn't done one of these will be extra thrilled to get it, actually they should be!
Why Individuals Prefer Visiting Surgery Clinics
Visiting health experts is important to help individuals maintain their health. However, there are cases when visiting experts in hospitals is quite impossible due to the increasing number of patients who are also seeking for medical help, most especially medical surgeries. Because of this, more and more individuals are now going to surgery clinics.
Healthy Habits That Make You Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise
The level of health you enjoy, is dependent on the habits you develop. Advance healthy habits to reap the benefits of a healthy, and energetic life.